Very secret sneak preview

Very secret sneak preview

On 24.09.2022 a screening of author’s cartoons took place. The show was moderated and initiated by Julia Müller (Yool_N). The show was held in two sessions, at 17:00 and at 19:00. A total of 40 people attended.

Very secret sneak preview of the pilot for the animated sci-fi series ALP by Julia Müller.
Supporting movies with guests:
Bye Little Block by Éva Darabos,
Feed the Ghosted by Pia Graf and
Any Instant Whatever by Michelle Brand.

Julia Müller

Julia Müller (Yool_N)

Julia Müller (Yool_N) is an animation-film director, writer and multimedia artist from Bremen, Germany. She has won several prices and scholarships with her short films. Julia has studied, lived and/or worked in London, Nagoya, Strasbourg, Budapest and currently lives in Berlin. Her independent work aims to extend the boundaries of narrative animation film through metaphorical and unique universes.

ALP (Pilot of the animated series, 2022), 20:28 minutes

In a spiritual utopia, people reached perfection and left the physical world behind. The few remaining struggle to join the others in ALP, a virtual mountain scape accessible through meditation. Others have stayed suspicious of the mysterious party behind it all and refuse to “ascend”. One day a young woman returns from her eternal life in the mountains and the system begins to show its first cracks

Éva Darabos

Éva Darabos

Geboren:1991,Budapest, Ungarn

Filme: Bye Little Block!, Morning, Moholymotion

She was born and grew up in Budapest and fell in love with drawing and filmmaking in her late teens. She was admitted to MOME’s animation department in 2013 where she finished her BA degree then continued her studies on the MA programme. During her studies she spent an Erasmus semester in Turku, Finland at TUAS’s animation department. Besides developing her film ideas she works as a freelancer animation artist. Bye Little Block! (2020) is her graduation film.

Bye Little Block!

A young woman learns that soon she will have to move from the blockhouse flat she lives in. After receiving the upsetting news from the owner of the flat she is overwhelmed with emotions. Her teardrop of farewell grows into a concrete monolith. When the drop hits the ground a surreal panorama of the blockhouse area – she used to call home – unfolds…

Pia Graf

Pia Graf

Pia Graf is a Berlin-based multidisciplinary artist. She works across various disciplines and media. Her main focus is on 2D frame-by-frame animation and illustration. As part of her practice, she explores both analog and digital working methods.

Feed the Ghosted

In her psychedelic 4:48 minute animated film Feed the Ghosted, Pia Graf addresses media overstimulation and excessive media consumption. The main character is a glittering everyday hero in the midst of a chaotic, virtual world.
The visual material is characterized by permanent, liquid-like movement and constant flickering and fading in of images, which creates the impression of visual overload.
The film is complemented by a sound tapestry by composer, sound artist and co-founder of the internet radio NTS, Mamiko Motto. Technoid, metallic sounds generate an industrial vibe and increase the hypnotic pull of the animation.

Michelle Brand

Michelle Brand

Michelle Brand is an award-winning animation director and sound designer based in Berlin, who works across a wide range of aesthetics, focusing on visualising abstract ideas in abstract ways. Heavily influenced by avant-garde, abstract and contemporary art movements, she is completely obsessed with geometric shapes, straight lines and perfectly round circles. Her films attempt to visualise philosophical concepts, with a special focus on time, change and movement, blurring the lines between theory and practice.

Any Instant Whatever

A man in a room, in a film – it is the becoming of something and simultaneously becoming in itself. Nothing is as solid as we believe. The film explores our perception of time, bodies and objects, and our inability to comprehend the full motion of things.


Stephany Vakhotina

Stephany Vakhotina

„I met Stepanida (Stefani) Vakhotina a few months ago. She came to the opening of the provocative exhibition and wrote a very nice and funny post about it.
Gradually it became clear that Stepanida has been describing the events of her life since 2005.
Stepanida’s life turned out a little differently from the normal life of an ordinary Russian girl.
At the age of 33, she managed to experience about as much as not everyone at 45.
Some lyrics are very sad and dramatic, others funny and others cynical.“ – I. Zaidel.


Anna Petrova

Anna Petrova



Mechnikov National University of Odesa Faculty of History and Philosophy bachelor of cultural studies Theme of the thesis: Semiotics of museum space in contemporary urban culture.


  • OFAM Kids Camp 2020 and 2021 – – Development and implementation of an educational children’s programme Exhibition „Last Freedom – Late Sketches by Nikolai Gluschenko“
  • 2020 (OFAM) – Curator Exhibition „Sever and stylisch. Art of the long sixties“
  • 2020 (OFAM) – Assistant curator, catalogue compiler Exhibition „100 years later. Kyriak Kostandi“ 2021 (OFAM) – Author of the excursion programme Creation of the bilingual audio guide
  • 2021 (OFAM) – Author Children’s educational exhibition project „I am the curator“
  • 2021 (OFAM) – Curator, developer, teacher


  • Diploma for outstanding contribution to the development of the Odesa Fine Arts Museum
  • Issued by Olena Oleinyk – the Director of the Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religion of the Odessa State Administration


  • 2016 DonauFest – Ulm, Germany Representative of Ukraine, Speaker – open talk about cross-cultural work
  • 2019 STEP school – Seattle, USA Methodist, cultural and educational supervisor – organising a children’s cultural and educational programme – lectures and field trips
  • 2019 Odesa Fine Arts Museum, Ukraine Researcher in the Education Department – guide service – lecturing
  • 2020 Odesa Fine Arts Museum, Ukraine Researcher in the Science Department
    • archival research
    • designing and producing exhibition catalogues
    • preparation and supervision of exhibition projects
    • 2021 Odesa Fine Arts Museum, Ukraine Researcher, Head of the Education Department, Head of the Children’s Education Department
  • 2022 Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg, Germany Researcher
Alyona Umanskaya

Alyona Umanskaya

Was born in Moscow. Graduated from the theater department of GITIS (Russian Institute
of Theater Arts). From 2015 to 2018 she worked at the Moscow School of New Cinema as a producer at the theater workshop of Yuri Muravitsky. She also supervised the theatrical part of Moscow festivals: „Archstoyanie“, „Art-ravine“, „Territory“.

Since 2018 she has been working as a film producer. She shot a large number of advertising projects for brands such as Loreal, Pepsico, Vogue, McDonalds, as well as music videos for SBPCh, Black Seed Oil, Husky, Scriptonite, etc.

In 2020, she made 6 documentaries about various ethnic cultures in Russia together with Pierre Christian Brochet. She also produced a feature short film by Alina Nasibullina „Objects in the Mirror“.

In 2021, she entered the Anatoly Osmolovsky BAZA Institute of Contemporary Art, where she continues her studies to this day.

In 2022 she moved to Berlin.

Victor Chakravarty

Victor Chakravarty

Geboren 1995 in Dänemark, lebt in London und Paris. Er hat in Göteborg studiert und absolviert derzeit seinen MFA in Bildender Kunst an der Goldsmiths University of London. Seine Praxis ist interdisziplinär und umfasst Musik, Literatur, Philosophie, Kuration, Film, Performance, Installation und Skulptur. Er hat bereits in der Tschechischen Republik, Schottland, Frankreich, Norwegen, Schweden, Dänemark und Deutschland ausgestellt. 2021 nahm er an der Kunstmesse FIAC 2021 in Paris teil. Er lebt und arbeitet in London und Paris.
