Kunstrad Soldiner

Mai 13, 2021 00:00
Oktober 22, 2021 00:00

Project description

During the lockdown due to Covid 19, I came up with the idea to collect abandoned old bikes, decorate, ennoble them and teach how to do it to my neighbors, gallery visitors, children and teenagers who were constantly spinning in front of the door.
The idea was realized during 2021 with the financial assistance of the Aktionsfonds and Quartier Management Soldiner Kitz.

Project financing

Long text why

Project implementation

We offer workshops

«Pimp-up yo bike»

How to paint an old bicycle in bright and attractive colors by ownself.

The workshop is designed for people from 13 to 73 years old. Groups can be mixed by age. Participants are required minimal manual skills. It is desirable that participants have no hand tremors.

Workshop flow:

Partial disassembly of the bike. Preparation for painting. Painting. Drying. Bike assembly.
The workshop can be held both with participants‘ bicycles and with a demonstration bike.
Duration, twice for 3 hours. 6 hours together.
The workshop can be held in German, English or Russian.

Jewelry made of bicycle parts.

At this workshop, participants will learn how to make jewelry from a wide variety of bicycle parts, from tires to reflectors. The workshop is suitable for participants of any age. 3 to 6 hours. Bicycle parts can be provided by participants or provided by the project manager.

Bicycle as a drawing tool.

In this workshop, the whole bike will be used to create a work of art. We spread a large canvas or paper on the floor and drawings are made on it using the wheels of a bicycle, which leaves traces. It will also be sprayed through the frame, spokes and other parts of the bike.

We also offer a theoretical workshop on the history of bicycles: from a trolley to a mountain bike. The workshop is accompanied by image material.

If you want to book a workshop, please mail the webmaster at zaidesign dot org